Poker is a game played with poker chips. The chips are typically black or blue and are valued based on the number of red or white chips they represent. A ‘blue chip’ is worth 10 or 20 or 25 whites, while a’red chip’ is worth two, four or five reds.
Before each round, the dealer will assign values to the chips. Each player will have to contribute a certain amount of chips to the pot. These values are referred to as an ante. Generally, an ante is a small bet. If a player does not want to bet, he or she will pass the responsibility on to the next player.
Once the dealer has assigned the values to the chips, it is time to begin betting. Players may choose to match the bet, raise the bet, or fold. Typically, players will bet into the pot in a clockwise fashion.
After the initial betting, the dealer will reveal a series of cards to the players. Some of these cards are face-up while others are face-down. Cards can also be discarded, although players can only discard three cards.
The player who drew the first card is said to have made the first bet. Another player, who wishes to remain in the game, can check. This is a type of forced bet.
When all players have checked, another betting interval will begin. The player who is the last to raise is called the “last to act”. During this interval, the player can either raise, match the bet or fold.